Keep in an appropriately sized aquarium; the Arowana/Stingray is a surface-swimming fish, so width and length of the tank are more important than height. Arowanas/Stingray are avid jumpers, so be sure to have a tight-fitting aquarium hood. Arowanas/Rays are more sensitive to nitrites than other fish, so provide proper filtration and perform 10 to 20% water changes as needed. Stable water quality and parameters are critical to the health of aquatic life. If you are unsure of your water quality. We are always available to help you set up a tank and in case of any other issues regarding Arowana/Rays bought from our farm.
We also sell some Arowana/Stinray food available at our agent shop you can place order as well. NB.A well-balanced Arowana/Stingray diet consists of
Provide pellets designed for surface feeding carnivorous fish.
Live or frozen fish and insects, krill, worms and shrimp.
Avoid insects or inverts with sharp or very hard shells for juvenile Arowanas/Rays
Feeding Arowana/Rays fish you have this to take note of These fish are surface feeders often gliding just below the water surface, Feed young fish 2-3 times a day, adults once a day also feed only what they can eat in 1 to 2 minutes finally thaw frozen foods before feeding.